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Why Should You Prioritize Employee Engagement?

‘Love what you do and WHO you do it with’ is a tagline that Innovative Captive Strategies has proudly embraced since 1999. The average person spends one third of their life in the workplace, so the importance of enjoying your fellow employees is unmatched. As I near my one-year anniversary as an Event Manager, I reflect on how this tagline has impacted my experience not only professionally but in my personal life as well.

The New Kid on the Block

When starting my new role at ICS, I joined a committee of ICS team members dedicated to enhancing our employee experience. The ICS Fun Bunch comprises employees from a variety of disciplines that develop new ideas to engage employees outside of work. Whether it’s a game of pickleball, book club, family movie night or mental health awareness, the Fun Bunch develops activities that appeal to all audiences, increasing employee engagement.

As a new employee, getting to know your colleagues and teammates can often seem overwhelming. With the vast employee growth throughout ICS, we don’t work together on day-to-day projects. The Fun Bunch allows us to embrace our ICS culture and get to know one another on a deeper level, enhancing our everyday work life.

The Benefits of Employee Engagement

The Fun Bunch isn’t just all about fun and games. Increasing employee engagement in the workplace has a variety of benefits that span company-wide, including:

Lower Employee Turnover

It costs valuable company time and money to hire and train new employees. Employees who are engaged with each other and their work are less likely to look for other professional opportunities.

Reduced Employee Stress

According to The American Institute of Stress, stress costs American businesses $300 billion a year. By reducing stress, you can eliminate burnout and save your company money.

Greater Employee Commitment

Employees that are engaged feel more personally committed to the future of the organization. They’ve established relationships within the company and care about their output.

Better Customer Service

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of employee engagement is the improvement in customer service. Employees that care about their workplace want their clients to care.  Increased employee engagement is a key benefit in being a captive owner, so it’s no surprise that at ICS we practice what we preach by creating an environment where employees feel empowered to connect.

Leadership that Embraces Culture

There is something truly special about the ICS culture. While our elite team of professionals work diligently to make a difference for our clients, ICS leadership works just as diligently to make our jobs one we enjoy and love coming to work for.

I am so fortunate to have leaders who make culture a priority, challenge us to achieve goals, and strive for professional development paths we may not have known existed. As I embark on one year at ICS, I am excited to continue meeting new clients and striving to make the captive ownership experience one that is truly rewarding for companies.

Interested in learning more about how group captives can take your employee engagement to the next level? Reach out to learn more.