At ICS we believe bigger isn't better. *** Better is better. *** A captive is only as good as its weakest member.
Better is just better.
Since 1999, Innovative Captive Strategies (ICS) has been doing business boldly by doing business right. ICS is focused on all areas of captive insurance, including member-owned group captives (property casualty and employee benefits), and a variety of alternative risk options for captive insurance plans. But we aren’t just any captive manager, at ICS, we pride ourselves on creating captives with a dedicated model. That means our insurance captives have fewer, more highly vetted members, and those members have higher engagement and more control.
The dedicated model
At ICS, our expertise is captive insurance – our passion is the agency/broker relationship. There is strength in unity, and our triple-bar logo reminds us everyday that we form a single unit with two key parties: our clients and our broker partners. It’s why we take our partnerships so seriously – because we know that when the three of us are truly aligned; everyone benefits.
We believe you can influence risk, so why wouldn’t you?
You work wisely and diligently, only to help make money for an insurance company. Our vision is a world in which insurance becomes a value proposition for a business, not a burden or a fixed cost. Discover a world where you take the control, stability and opportunity of owning your own insurance company into your own hands. Whether you are a business owner looking for an alternative to traditional insurance or an agency partner trying to find a better solution for your clients, you’ve come to the right place.