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Biometric Screening: Your Personal Health Checkpoint

Ever wondered how you’re truly doing health-wise, beyond just how you feel?

Biometric screening has the answers. It offers a swift and insightful look at your overall health, measuring physical aspects like your height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Not only can these screenings highlight potential health dangers, but they can also guide you towards essential lifestyle changes to help improve your health.

Where Can You Get Biometric Screenings?

You can get a biometric screening in many different locations. Many employers now include screenings as part of their wellness programs.

What many may not know, is that you can get biometric screenings during your regular health check-ups at an outpatient clinic, or engage in community-driven health initiatives, like health fairs.

More and more public spaces, such as malls and airports, are recognizing the importance of health and are setting up biometric screening booths. At these locations, you might find on-site health experts, from nutritionists to physical therapists, ready to provide immediate feedback and advice on your results. It’s becoming easier than ever to get a quick health check, even during your routine outings.

While it is recommended for everyone, biometric screening is especially crucial for:

  • Individuals with a family history of chronic diseases
  • Those who are overweight or obese
  • Anyone with high blood pressure or cholesterol
  • People who lead a sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoke or tobacco users

What to Expect at a Biometric Screening

Biometric screenings typically take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect to be checked:

  • Height and weight: Determines your body mass index (BMI).
  • Blood pressure: Assesses your risk for heart disease and stroke.
  • Blood sugar: Checks for diabetes indicators.
  • Cholesterol: Measures levels to assess heart disease risk.
  • Waist circumference: Evaluates risk for heart disease and other chronic diseases.


How can you prepare for your Screening? You can:

  • Fast for 9-12 hours, especially for accurate blood sugar testing.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before the test.
  • Wear comfortable attire.
  • Bring a list of any medications you are taking.

After Your Biometric Screening

After your biometric screening, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing various health metrics. This report will include your BMI, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and waist circumference. It will also include your risk for developing certain health conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Even if your results appear normal, always discuss them with a healthcare provider. They can offer tailored advice, preventative measures, or suggest further tests if needed.

The Benefits of Biometric Screening

Imagine discovering a health concern early on and having the power to address it immediately.  That’s what biometric screening offers. It promotes:

  • Early detection: Spot health risks when they are most treatable.
  • Motivation: Real-time results can inspire healthier choices in diet, exercise, and healthy habits.
  • Financial Savings: Addressing health concerns early can prevent expensive medical treatments later on.

A list of benefits of biometric appointment: early detection, motivation, financial savings.

Consider this: The CDC states that up to 80% of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, and 40% of cancers could be avoided with lifestyle changes. That’s the potential power of early detection and intervention with something as simple as a biometric screening.

While the benefits of biometric screenings are evident in numbers and statistics, real-life stories from our member companies add a personal touch to their significance. Here are some anonymized success stories that highlight the true impact of these screenings:

Early Detection of Prostate Cancer: Several employees from member companies who incorporated PSA tests into their onsite biometric screenings were able to catch prostate cancer in its early stages, drastically improving their treatment outcomes. An individual from one of our captive member companies noted that if his employer hadn’t prompted him to get this screening, he would not have caught his cancer as soon as he did. He was extremely grateful.

Heart Health: In one noteworthy instance, an employee discovered they had an irregular heartbeat during their biometric screening. This crucial early detection led them to undergo a heart ablation procedure. They are now leading a healthier life, free from the risks associated with their previous condition.

Transformative Lifestyle Changes: There have been numerous accounts of employees who, after receiving their biometric results, realized their health metrics were not within the recommended ranges. Guided by the advice from the screenings and through nutrition programs recommended by their employers, these individuals have since made transformative changes to their lifestyles, resulting in better health outcomes.

Empowering Employees to Manage Their Health

Biometric screenings aren’t merely health check-ins; they empower individuals to proactively manage and improve their health. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. And with these screenings, you not only gain knowledge about your health but also the means to act on it.

Interested in integrating biometric screenings into your company’s wellness strategy? Visit our website. With our captive solutions, offering these screenings becomes effortless, helping ensure employee well-being and driving down claim rates. Join us on the journey to a healthier, fiscally responsible future.